by Eric Moya, Cst-D, Ms/Mfct
(Editor's Note: This was originally published on Facebook on March 14, 2020, in specialized groups for bodymindspirit therapists as the coronavirus pandemic was accelerating in the United States and globally)
Hello everyone in the group,
I hope you all are doing well and keeping safe and finding some peace in the midst of it all. So, if you're interested, the world's events at the moment are a good example of complexity at work if you're interested in reviewing some of the stuff we talked about in the CST Working with Chronic Depletion class.
Using the terms of complexity (as a fun reminder):
The global system is currently in the midst of a "large event" as it goes through a “tipping point” into a massive “phase shift”. Dominating the phase shift are "positive feedback loops" causing "cascading failures" in the old phase of the system.