The ABMST is a welcoming place for education, connection, collaboration, and exchange. This page contains answers to questions you may have about becoming a contributor and guidelines for content that tends to be popular based on our experience. These are guidelines, and we are open to your ideas, so please feel free to reach out.



Who are we?

The ABMST is a community of allied health practitioners and therapists, including physical, massage, and occupational therapists, as well as dentists, psychotherapists, osteopaths, counselors, naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists, martial arts, meditation, and yoga teachers. The core value is to welcome all practitioners with a value of integrating the body, mind, and spirit in their therapeutic work.



2024 Contributor Focus

The ABMST welcomes content from a wide range of voices from around the world focused on work that echoes our mission. We are particularly interested in exploring content related to the "whole being," and we use a framework of contributing factors to consider: psychological, spiritual, biological, physical, social, lifestyle, and one's environment. 

Featured Content

For written submissions, we feature blogs and articles. Based on the material, we will decide to place it in the blog or article section of the site.

Blogs are shorter, informal, and remain open to the public within our site. Submitted content for the blog section should generally be between 750 to 1000 words. Blogs are generally written without citation, in standard double-spaced format, and from a more personal first-person voice perspective. 
Articles are generally longer and include research. A good starting point for length for articles is between 1000 and 1300 words. Articles should represent an original piece of thinking and also be grounded in thorough research and properly cited. For scholarly articles, please submit them in the APA format. For non-scholarly articles, a standard double-spaced format is fine.

In 2024, we continue connecting the written pieces with live conversations as part of our monthly Peer Supervision Groups for members. We will invite contributors to join one of us for a live conversation and open up a seat at that virtual table for our members to bring their questions related to the articles or explore any ideas discussed with the author directly. This is an opportunity for each article or blog contributor. 

Copyright, for blog and article writers
We will enter an agreement for first-rights publishing, where we get the honor of publishing your new work for the first time. You will retain ownership of your work and you are free to republish your work or share it as you see fit after first publishing, we request that you include a note that says your article was first published with The Idea Crucible.
On Promotion

Our focus is on education and community. Please no pitches, abstracts, outlines, product pitches, or press releases. While we encourage drawing from your own experiences to support your ideas, over-the-top self-promotion (of yourself or your company) will prevent us from publishing your article. The same goes for dense jargon and unsupported assertions.

We will work to showcase and promote your work through our channels, including via social media, emails, and newsletters. We request that this effort is collaborative and that you share your contribution within your own networks and channels including a link back to The Idea Crucible. You will receive a page on our site as a contributor with links to your website.

The ABMST requests that contributed written content remain exclusive to our site for 30 days, after which time they may be reprinted in part or in full on other sites, with a link back to the original article on this site.

If interested in contributing, please contact us at [email protected]