
Andrea Winzer, CST-D 

Andrea Winzer is a Mind-Body Therapist with advanced training in Bodywork and Transformational Coaching. She practices Upledger CranioSacral Therapy and holds certification on the Diplomate Level. She is an active teaching assistant, a certified presenter, and a study group leader with the Upledger Institute. Andrea has also completed training in visceral and neural manipulation, manual lymphatic drainage, palliative care, trauma-informed bodywork, Hawai’ian Healing Arts, transformational coaching as well as spiritual counseling. She currently works towards a master’s degree in Clinical Social Work and specializes in Trauma Therapy utilizing a somatic and nature-connected approach.

Andrea is passionate about working with individuals affected by physical and emotional pain and trauma and strives to offer integrative care solutions that bring body, mind, and spirit into the therapeutic conversation. She loves to teach, write, travel, explore new cultures and lifestyles, and immerse herself in exciting adventures all over the world. Everything she does is strongly interwoven with her deep connection to Spirit and the Earth, and she enjoys supporting others in learning how to thrive and create lives they truly love.

TIC Contributions:


The Spirit of Aloha

The teacher, Kahu Abraham Kawai‘i , mentions in her blog entry is the founder of Nā Pua ‘Olohe, established in 1989. One may learn more about his work and approach by searching for his name and organization.