Margarita Soberón, LMT, CST-D
Margarita Soberón started her career as Body Oriented Therapist in 1988 with the first class she attended in Reichian Massage. From then on, she has directed her professional path working in both areas of emotional human development and bodywork.
In the area of bodywork, Margarita has training in Postural Integration, Reichian Massage, Boyesen Massage, and CranioSacral Therapy. In the area of emotional human development, she has been trained in Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing for Traumawork, Somato Emotional Release, the Hakomi Method, Sexual Grounding, Family Constellations, and Somatic Experiencing, among others.
Margarita's overarching purpose is to work with human beings toward unity between the physical, emotional, and spiritual. She has been teaching CST since 2009 and is the Founder of Upledger Institute México.
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